10 Jan

While searching online, I came across Yi Yun Movers. They seem to be one of the most reliable moving companies in Singapore and they have a wide range of services to offer. From residential, to commercial, up to personal and warehouse storage, they got almost everything that you need. But despite all of these services, there’s only one that caught my eyes: they have packing and unpacking services!

For someone who is going to be living in her own place for the first time, packing and unpacking is something that I do not really look forward to. That is why when the time has come for me to get ready before moving out, I had to search for one of the most reliable relocation services in Singapore to help me transfer my belongings from the old house to my new apartment.

Just by thinking of all the items that I need to put in individual boxes gives me a whole new level of headache, so imagine my relief knowing that there are companies who can help you do all these things at once. So, I contacted them for an appointment and told them that I would be needing more than just a relocation service but it’s still in Singapore. They are very kind to offer the packing and unpacking services right away.

Honestly, though, I’m an obsessive compulsive and I am really thorough when it comes to sorting my things. I have to make sure that everything is packed neatly and in order so I will have a peace of mind. Luckily, the people at Yi Yun Movers think so too. They are like professional packers; it’s like they go to a school for it. They are very careful when it comes to grouping the belongings from the fragile to perishables. The movers helped, with my supervision, to load each individual thing in every box to make sure that they will not be broken along the way. Trust me, the packing really looks like it’s professionally done.

What I like most about their packing techniques is that they are careful to protect my collection of jars with bubble wraps. And not wrap it around; they wrap it as if it’s a brand-new product. Isn’t it nice? Also, the child in me really was happy when each box is properly labelled. In that way, the actual movers will be able to identify which of the boxes contain delicate items and which can be shelved underneath. After they packed my things, I also got a list of everything that is in there like an inventory list that you see in stores. I also have the same thing prepared before moving out so I just compared it.

As the package arrives, I’m already a bit of laid back because I know that they will take care of it. Honestly, I have never seen a moving company in Singapore who does the job really perfectly. They delivered the boxes in my new unit and asked me where each of them goes. But wait, it’s not done yet. The guys from Yi Yun Movers helped me unpack too! I was so surprised that in about an hour or two, my flat is all set up and is ready to welcome me!

I am really happy how things worked out. Yi Yun Movers was true to their promise of bring quality service even if it’s my first time to be a customer - and I’m sure that this is not the last. So, if you are looking for a relocation service in Singapore, go for Yi Yun Movers!

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